It's not often that the Chronicle of Higher Education mentions
college hockey (well, there *was* that priceless photo of the Big Red
men in their tutus :-) but this week's issue (dated 17 February) has
a full-color, full-page photo of a Colgate women's hockey player on
*the cover* as well as 2 full pages of further reporting inside re:
the Title IX dispute now being appealed by Colgate University concerning
the status of Red Raider women's hockey.  In addition to the main
article by D. Lederman, there is a sidebar story that updates the
status of Title IX challenges at other Universities (though not at
Bowdoin, which has been mentioned on HOCKEY-L in the past).  There are
some interesting quotes by Mark Murphy, Colgate AD, as well as N.
Grabois, Colgate President, and E. Vargyas, senior counsel for the
National Women's Law Center.  The article is much too long for me to
enter (or even paraphrase effectively) for the 'net; if you're at
all curious or interested (and you *should be*) by all means check it
out at your local library ....
Jim Love
UNH '79, '85G
Go Blue !!