Since there are some people on this list who may really know the
answer I would like to ask what is the difference between an
"Athletic Scholarship" and a "Grant in Aide"?
If a student has an athletic scholarship and is cut, injured, quits the
team, is thrown off the team, etc. do they loose their scholarship?
If they retain the scholarship how does that effect the NCAA count
of 18 scholarships?  Does this 18 limit really impact all non-Ivy
Div. 1 programs or only the best supported programs?
By the way, just a note on the "fairness" of admissions and/or
financial aide in the Ivy League.  The league conducts (has
conducted?) exhaustive studies of every varsity sport to spot any
cheating.  I saw one of the reports (I do not believe they are widely
disseminated) several years ago and the inter and intra school and
sport comparisons leave no room to hide.  I guess that the league
like the one questioning poster sees the temptation and will not
even trust its own members.  Good fences make good neighbors.
Steve Rockey
Math Library