Here are some questions that I have been pondering as of late.
(1) What are the exact qualifications for the Hobey?
    Do they pertain to the season, or the players career?
(2) Has a freshman ever won the Hobey?
(3) The WCHA has had two teams consistently reach the top ten in the
    polls this year. Many people say that it is a down year for the
    league, while other say that parity has evolved.
        i) What do close observers of college hockey feel?
(4) The rumor is that the NC$$ selection committee is going to look
    for the best six teams in the east to play in the east. The same
    for the west. This will be done inorder to increase attendance.
        i) Is this rumor true?
        ii) How does this help teams that are perhaps "on the fence"
            such as Michigan State,Minnesota, Western Michigan and others?
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