Just for my own knowledge, I'm conducting an informal survey to find out
about how much people make use of the files that I ship off to the HOCKEY-L
archives each week.  These are:
* DivI conference standings (9293CONF STAND)
* DivI composite schedule/scores (9293COMP SCHEDULE)
* DivI team schedules (9293TSCH BC, etc.)
So, if you've accessed these files in the archives at all since I started
doing this back in Nov 92, via email/gopher/whatever, please take a minute to
send me a quick message telling me so along with what file(s) you have
accessed and about how often you do this (weekly, monthly, only one time,
etc.).  I don't plan on posting the results; again, this is only to help me
become aware of how useful this service has been to people - or, if it
hasn't been useful at all.  Comments and suggestions will also be welcomed.
Mike Machnik    [log in to unmask]   Color Voice of the Merrimack Warriors
(Any opinions expressed above are strictly those of the poster.)    *HMN*