In article <[log in to unmask]>, Charlie Slavin
<[log in to unmask]> says:
>Mark Grassl <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>>Brian Morris quotes form a Newsday article:
>>stuff deleted
>>>"That's what really impressed us--the video," Peter said.  "They take stats
>>>practice!  No other school offered us this.  Basically, this is a hockey
>>                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> ^^^^^^^
>>        Quite an unfortunate choice of words don't you think.
>On the positive side, I've heard (second-hand) that both the Ferraro's
>as well as the "other" first-year student Paul Kariya did quite well
>in their first semester classes.  Evidently they're doing something
>other than playing hockey and watching video tapes.
Well, I have no idea what was meant by "Hockey Factory"  but it
certainly did not mean the Ferraros  and Karyia were not here to
get an education, as well as play hockey :>
I believe that Kariya got over a 3.0 his first semester here. And I
was told that the Ferraros recently moved BACK into the dorms and
spend more than average time studying. All three I heard (don't know
if its true or not) may take summer classes.
There may be atheletes here who have no interest in an education, but
from all I have heard these 3 are not in that group.
P.S. - rumor also has it Karyia will be around at least another year - of
course with the Olympics we might not see him or the Ferraros much anyway.
Damon Kiesow / IO80861@Maine / 71131,1635 / 207-581-3059