Ben Cloutier at Maine says:
>  GO BLUE!  (Michigan isn't the school that's BLUE!)
I'm perfectly willing to share go blue with my friends at Maine.
Better yet, let's include our comrades in the twin cities and simply
say, go U of M.  I will add, however, in defense of my alma mater:
  1. The University of Michigan was founded in 1817.  I believe UMaine
     was founded sometime around 1865.
  2. Have Bob Costas (or any network sportscaster) yell GO BLUE! on a
     national weekend broadcast then conduct a survey as to who/what
     he was refering to.  I'm comfortable that I can predict the
     results.  :-)
  John H
  U Mich
  The Wolverines have more alumni in the world than any other institution,
  making this land unquestionably Michigan Blue.