Hi again, Ben,
The method given in my last message concerning this is not the only
method there is to calculate Win%age.  It can also be done this way:
[This one might be easier to comprehend :)]
Take a win as 1 point, and a tie as half a point, add these numbers
together, and divide it by the total number of decisions that a
goaltender has earned.
[I'll use the same numbers as last time :)]
ie.- Record 13-0-1, total points 13.5.  13.5/14 (Decisions earned)
equals Win%Age .964.
Hope this makes things CRYSTAL CLEAR!
If you have any other concerns to this regard (or any other), please
feel free to E-Mail me a note.
$                                           Thanx,                   $
$                                                                    $
$                                           Jay.                     $
$                                           Go U of A Golden Bears!  $
$                                           Go UMaine Black Bears!   $
$                                                                    $
$ - `...You have to use your IMAGINATION for THAT!!!'                $
$ - `That's probably illegal!!!'                                     $
$ - `Probably is!!!'                                                 $