Bob said...
>A lot of buddies of mine at the game said Walsh was gonna crucify Dunham for
>that!  Now, my question is not to the reaction of Shawn Walsh to that act but
>rather how is he as a coach in general.  I am sure he is demanding but is
>strict a good word to describe his disposition?  I am not asking for what
>he did to Dunham but rather how is his coaching personality is in general.
   I have little/no experience w/Shawn Walsh in the locker room (perhaps
   others with direct experience would care to comment).  But
   personally, and due to discussions with (former) players, I see Walsh
   as a preeminent coach.  He can certainly be emotional (but shows it
   *much* less since his son "Tyler" came into the world).  Players and
   everyone around the program and the State of Maine see Walsh as the
   "complete" coach.  That is, he doesn't spend all his effort in one
   area, but does an excellent job in all aspects.  Examples include
   scheduling, national contacts, fund raising, fan interest, player
   development, coach development, etc.
   From everything I've heard about and from Shawn Walsh, he cares about
   his players while they are on the team and when they leave.
   That said, Shawn Walsh expects a high level of commitment to the
   program from everyone around it.  I think it shows that he gets that
Wayne Smith
The College Hockey Discussion List administrator
Systems Group - CAPS              BITNET/CREN:  wts@maine
University of Maine System        internet:     [log in to unmask]
P.S.  Perspectives on and impressions of people are funny things.  I
      think that many or most people watching college hockey and Maine
      fans that follow HOCKEY-L think that BUs Jack Parker is an
      excellent coach of an excellent program.  The rest of the college
      hockey fans *in*Maine* think he's a maniac.  :-)