Ralph writes:
>I'm not passing any judgements, I'm just curious, especially about
>Minnesota, where the Gophers are mediocre and seem to be doing well
>attendance-wise, while the North Stars are doing very well and look to
>be doing ok on attendance, but I recently heard a rumor that they may be
>moving. It seems odd to move out of a hockey hotbed like MN. Anyone have
>any ideas?
OK, I can't let this go by without commenting to the list.  While the
Gophers are having a few problems (OK, a bunch of problems) this season,
it's not fair to call them mediocre.
The North Stars have trouble selling season tickets (only about 5,000 this
season), the Gophers don't.
Erik Biever                                                    GO GOPHERS!
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