Saturday, January 16, 1993
Mariucci Arena, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Northern Michigan Wildcats  2 - 3 - 2 -- 7
Minnesota Golden Gophers    0 - 0 - 0 -- 0
1st period
11:08  NMU  Harding (Hadden, Frederick)
15:10  NMU  MacGillivray (Kaebel)
2nd period
12:37  NMU  Hadden (unassisted) sh
14:04  NMU  Smith (Kaebel)
16:50  NMU  Frederick (Hadden) sh
3rd period
00:44  NMU  Johnson (Ruoho, Green)
08:07  NMU  Ruoho (Hehr, Johnson)
Shots:  NMU 12-12-11--35; MN 13-10-4--27
Goalies:  NMU, Taylor (27 shots, 27 saves)
          MN, Moen (24 shots, 19 saves), Callinan (11 shots, 9 saves)
Referees:  Bill Waisenen, Mike Schmitt
Linesman:  Larry Gonrowski
Attendance:  7,606
This was Minnesota's first home shutout in nearly 20 years, the last
occuring on February 23, 1973.  Everything that could go wrong did.
Lots of fans left early.  We didn't.
-- Erik