Well the last Bulldog/Gopher Series to ever be played in Old Mariucci
has passed.  But thats not what I'm writing about :(
I read an article in the UMD Statesman by Chris Godsey which is
really interesting.  Here's a short exert:
Sertich, a Bulldog Skater from 1966-1969, has two Mariucci memories that
outshine the rest.  The first comes from Friday, Feb. 22, 1980, when
Sertich was still assistant to then coach Gus Hendrickson.  It takes
place in the underground tunnes which runs between the home and away
locker rooms.  He gave this account: "Both teams were in the tunnel
in their gray underclothes listening to the final minutes of the
U.S.-Soviet Olympic game.  We were all on the same team for those
few minutes, but not even an hour later we were up on the ice as
opponents."  Interest in the now historic game was at its pead
for the two teams.  Two Bulldogs (Mark Pavelich and John "Bah"
Harrington) and an amazing 10 Gophers and their coach, Herb Brooks,
were involved in the game.
Cheers, eh,
Jeff "Killer" Boleman