ADSC at NMU who began this discussion said it took him 15 minutes from
game to home.  The last series with North Dakota saw us sitting in the
parking lot at Lakeview Arena for 15 minutes before we reached the
street.  I agree that most people leave the arena early to beat the
traffic.  Traffic control at the exits is great because the "men in
blue" are there directing, but you take your life in your own hands
reaching that point.
Within the arena itself between periods there is always a rush for
the lounges, but there are always kids who have been turned loose by
their parents at the beginning of the game and they don't slow down
until their parents claim them after the third period.  They race
around, push, shove and fight (one was injured by being slammed into a
railing leading to the upper deck at Lakeview).  I usually leave early
so that my sister who is partially disabled, can reach the lounge
without mishap.  The fans in my section are very understanding and
usually assist her from our row down.
I am more annoyed by "fans" who show up and know more about the game