I must say that the best thing about last night's Cornell-Colgate game was
that I got to sit down for a change.  Usually the students stand on the seat of
the person in front of them (they are benches, not individual chairs or any-
thing), but with another (blessed) week and a half until the undergrads start
classes, we sat.  I really despise this "tradition" of standing--probably be-
cause I'm 5'2".  If I had a seat behind my 6'5" boyfriend, I would want him
Since the people at this game were mostly there to really watch hockey (instead
of seeing and being seen), sound was carrying quite well.  With under 2 minutes
left in the first period (I think), Coach Brian McCutcheon expressed some
dislike for the two-ref system, when one of his players was sent to the box
by a guy "60 feet away from the play", when the closer guy called nothing.
While Cornell played a decent second period, with 8 minutes to go in the third
they stopped playing, started dumping the puck, leading 3-2.  About three or
four minutes later, they were losing 4-3 and were shorthanded.  At this point,
they did start to play again.  But it was not enough.  Colgate 4, Cornell 3.
I was thinking of going to the rematch in Hamilton, but I'm not sure this
Cornell team is worth the bother....
Lisa Sweeney
CWRU '88, Cornell '93?