Troy, NY:
                1       2       3       OT      TOT
Rensselaer      2       1       1       0        4
Princeton       0       3       1       0        4
Shots on Goal:  RPI - 30,  Princeton - 52.
        As you can tell Neil Little earned this tie for RPI as the rest of the
team was pathetic, even worse than they played at UNH.  A pretty boring game
-Ryan Stone
 Lawrence University (Appleton, WI) '93
 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute '93
                  | RYAN G. STONE                    |
                  | 113 Hall Hall, R.P.I.            |
                  | Troy, NY   12180-3590            |
                  | (518) 276-7598                   |
                  | e-mail: [log in to unmask]          |