First, I think it would be *possible* for hockey to withdraw from the NC$$
and still run itself well.  I've heard that Jack Parker has suggested that
this should be done and I presume this was based on his belief that hockey
could and would police itself effectively.  I believe the integrity of the
people involved in the running of hockey at the institutional and league
levels is such that we would not see programs start to run rampant with
violations, and advantages are that "national tourney" revenues and
regulations could be decided on by the people who have the most interest in
the game.
However, I do not think it is *probable* that this will happen, nor do I
think yet that it should.  Schools that withdrew their hockey programs from
the NC$$ would undoubtedly face political retribution from the NC$$ and
other schools.  Also, I am not sure, but I think that schools receive some
form of scholarship contribution from the NC$$ which they use for athletic
scholarships, and this would disappear.  The schools that do not offer
athletic scholarships would welcome this, I'm sure. :-)  It could be argued
that with the national tourney revenues (which are pretty substantial,
although I do not know the numbers - I have also heard the "third largest
revenue-producing sport" comments) only going to hockey schools, some of
this money could be earmarked for scholarships, but I don't know the
feasibility of this.
I still think the best hope for hockey is to present a unified front
against the people who would establish regulations that go against hockey's
best interests and to work as hard as possible to make those voting on the
issues aware of how they will affect hockey schools.  A major problem has
been unifying the hockey folks into a single voice that will argue the
case, and some work needs to be done here.  Being generally optimistic, I
think it can be done if hockey as a whole thinks it is important enough.
The NC$$ and hockey seem to go their separate ways except for the
convention and the tourney and those (rare) instances where programs are
under investigation.  Maybe a stronger voice and presence for hockey as far
as the NC$$ goes would help.
Mike Machnik    [log in to unmask]   Color Voice of the Merrimack Warriors
(Any opinions expressed above are strictly those of the poster.)    *HMN*