Having just come back from the Dartmouth-Princeton game & witnessing the tennis
balls, I find myself in favor of it.  Why?  Well, for the 1st time in the
5 years I've been following Dartmouth, the fans *got involved*!  Being a
grad, I've despaired of the apathetic Dartmouth fans.  Tonight was much closer
to Clarkson then I dared hope.  In the past, about all the cheering you got
was 2 minutes from the end when everyone would stand up & start clapping.
If the Dartmouth fans participate like they did tonight, hand it takes a few
tennis balls to get them excited, I for it.  Dartmouth surged to a 2-0 lead
in the first period & I don't think the tennis balls slowed them down at all.
I think it pumped them up.
However, if the fans can get involved w/o the tennis balls, that'd be better.
The game tonight was fast & furious w/ Dartmouth winning 5-4 in overtime.  I
brought a newcomer (never seen hockey before) & he thought the game was great
too.  And yes, thought it was neat to see the tennis balls, but it was the
game that'll make him come back to see another game.
Tom Buskey   [log in to unmask]