I just finished watching the PASS broadcast of the Michigan-UIC matchup.
Michigan won 8-1 in a bit of a mismatch.  Steve Shields made 18 saves over two
periods and allowed no goals before being pulled to give Chris Gordon a little
ice time with the score 7-0.  I don't know why one pulls a goalie working on a
shutout, but I'm not the coach.
The third period featured 40 penalties (according to the announcers) 6 of which
were fighting majors with game DQ's and 4 were 10 minute misconducts.  The
penalties were split evenly and resulted from a 10-14 player brawl that broke
out about midway through.  For UIC, they will be without Knorr, O'Conner, and
Dennis when they play BGSU tomorrow night, and Michigan will be without
Sittler, Willis, and Sacka as they face MSU at Joe Louis Arena Saturday...those
were the 6 players receiving DQ's for fighting.
Other Scores:
WMU 5 Kent 4
LSSU beat Notre Dame
(Didn't catch the scores of those last two.  All Michigan teams were at home.)
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*                Dave [log in to unmask]                *
*                          Cornell '91 OSU Med '95                            *
*          I may be in debt for the rest of my life, but I get to wear        *
*                     this cool, white lab coat all the time.                 *
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