Hi again hockey folks -
I guess this is Dartmouth's week for non-hockey stories in the news. I'd much
rather talk about hockey, though. Two issues: tennis balls and bands
** Tennis Balls: I just spoke to the AD's office and found out what is
planned for tonight. There was also a brief mention of the tennis balls in
the daily campus paper - saying it's not a good idea.
1) There will be signs posted at the game asking folks not to throw stuff on
the ice and explaining why. [Of course, this will be the first night in years
when a Dartmouth player gets a hat trick - and stuff SHOULD be thrown on the
ice ;-) ].
2) Buckets will be provided into which folks can deposit tennis balls.
3) Extra campus police will be on hand to escort violators from the rink.
** Band: I had an opportunity to ask the coach about this, since it didn't
quite ring true to me. Part of his response:
Coach Demment: "I sent a blitz [our campus email system, bg] to Alison Moll,
who must be the director of the band, to the effect that I was given the
choice between having the band or having the music.  I had asked for both,
but was told by our administration that it would be too difficult to
coordinate the two at the same game and that it was an either/or situation.
Because the band could only come to three of our games, I opted for the
recorded music since it would guarantee the kind of atmosphere that one wants
at home games at all of our home games."
It sounds to me like there was a misunderstanding about whether the
all-or-none should apply to a single game or to the whole season. Hopefully,
this can be resolved.
BTW - Dartmouth also offers a wide range of courses and laboratories in the
humanities and sciences in addition to participating in strange issues
peripheral to hockey ;-).
Bob Gross