I got this and I thought it might be of some interest to Hockey-l.
I think that its a sad day for Dartmouth Hockey....
> Hello all,
> As you may or may not have heard, the DCWB will no longer play at any Men's
 Hockey games. For those interested in the reasons why, I'll try to summarize
 the situation.
> ------------------
> Now: the reasons why we won't be playing at men's hockey games anymore:
> (This is all paraphrased from a message by Alison Moll.)
> --- Forwarded with minor changes from Alison Moll ---
> hi everyone!
> i just got back from a meeting with jen coleman and have some news.  this is a
 little lengthy, but please bear with me.
> the men's hockey team does not want the dcwb playing at their games anymore.
 the team apparently thought that the arena was dead when the dcwb was not at
 the games.  they attempted to remedy this by securing  funky music to play over
 the loudspeakers aft> er goals and during timeouts etc.  the players liked it
 and all was happy and wonderful.  but then the dcwb showed up at the game a few
 weeks ago.  there was mild confusion over whether the band was to play and when
 the funky music was to  be piped in and>  other technicalities.  the coach
 decided that he liked the continuity of having the same thing all the time.  so
 he either wanted the dcwb at all of the games or funky music at all of the
 games.  jen coleman tried to reason with the coach to understand t> hat the
 dcwb has other obligations and is unable to make all of the games.  but for him
 it was all or none, and as a result the dcwb won't be seeing men's hockey
> anyway, jen coleman was very upset about the coach's decision and apologized
 profusely to me for about twenty minutes.  she doesn't entirely understand the
 decision and feels that the dcwb was given the shaft.  my resonse was that the
 band was there to su> pport the team and that if the team prefers that we not
 show up, the band will respect that decision.  i hope that you all agree with
 that position!  if not, please let me know.  she also encourages me to get in
 touch with the coach and dick yeager if the>  band has complaints about the
 situation.  so please foreward any and all complaints to me and i'll see that
 the appropriate figurehead receives them.
> [ Stuff Deleted ]
> i told jen that the dcwb would adjust its schedule and show up at the
 requested substitute games.  i didn't forsee a problem because the new games
 are on the same nights as the old ones and the times are virtually the same.
> jen also offered the dcwb free admission (without instruments) to each of the
 hockey games from which we were denied.  we simply have to present the door
 with a list of bandies half an hour before game time.  we don't even have to
 arrive together or sit t> ogether.  so on friday maybe the band could go watch
 the hockey game en masse??
> that's all i have to say (whew!).  feedback will be greatly appreciated.  ross
 and laura, let me know if you can accomodate the schedule changes.  and anyone
 with a gripe, please let me now.
> til later,
> alison
> --- End of Forwarded Message ---
Christopher Cohen                       [log in to unmask]