Ross wrote:
> that's a great idea, John, but to try and take credit away from
> you :) -- is there a precedent for it?  I've never heard of this
> happening, although someone once mentioned the bizzarre
> instance of an ECAC game being played at RPI as a neutral
> site because of worries about violence between teams or
> fans or whatever.
The game in question was played in the early 80's between Colgate and
 Northeastern.  The original game at Starr Rink in Hamilton was halted by an
 all-out brawl between the teams (not sure whether it also involved fans but I
 vaguely remember that it did).  The make-up game was played at RPI because it
 was a neutral site that is approx. 1/2 way between the teams.  Surprisingly,
 about 1,000 fans showed up for the game....mostly RPI students and
 locals...very few from the competing schools.  There was even a rousing a
 capella (sp?) rendition of the RPI alma mater before the start of the third
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