A rather disturbing story came out this week about the antics of
some fans at a local high school game here in the Twin Cities.
The game was between two suburban Minneapolis schools, one of
which is located in a suburb with a large Jewish population. The
students of the opposing team threw bagels onto the ice, and
had numerous anti-Semitic cheers throughout the game, one being
"We've got Christmas, how 'bout you?". There were even reports of
a student spitting bagel pieces at students from the other school.
Needless to say, this gave the school of the offending fans a
big black eye in the community (which happens to be in the city
where I live). The student council has issued a formal letter of
apology to the other school, and have offered to meet with students
from their school to discuss how they can mend relations. Pretty sad.
go go gophers...