I share your frustration with fans who support the team only when all is
going well and the team is winning but complain constantly when the
team is loosing.  It is nice to have a team of juniors and seniors who
do everything right - too bad some fans don't realize it takes
experience to get to that point.  I know that Northern has fans that
feel that way and it pleases me to no end when they don't show up for a
game because I don't have to listen to their chronic bitching.
Minnesota has always had a good team - I think they may be rebuilding
this year - I know we are.  And I support the freshmen and sophomores on
Northern's team as much as I did when Beattie, Drake, Hiller et al were
making their mark.  After all, the vocal support of a team is important
to the kids of the team, too. And I am a fan through good and bad times!
Tell your disgruntled friends to stay home.
Laura     GO NORTHERN!!!