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Greg wrote that he felt that Reid Simonton was probably vying for the least
respected opponent award.  After watching the Union/Harvard game a few weeks
ago I'd have to concur.  Mr. Simonton is a very big forward whose talent
I think lies mainly in his ability to muscle others off the puck. (It
sure isn't his skating ability :-)).  I think he ends up in the penalty box
a lot becuse he is a freshman and doesn't quite yet know when to retaliate
and when not to retaliate.  He'll learn.  BTW the very loud older gentleman
who was sitting next to at Achilles rink concurred with me that "that kid
spends all his time in the box".  I think, however, that Mr. Simonton is not
a *goon*, just a very physical player that is making some freshman mistakes.
If he refines his game and gets *smart* (a coaching term) I think he'll be
a positive for Union (which could use some size and some speed).
Eric Hoffman
Cornell '88, SUNY-Albany ??
email - [log in to unmask]
LET'S GO RED!  Colgate is Toothpaste :-) !