> Reply-To:     william <[log in to unmask]>
> The D looks more organized, and the goal scoring is coming around.  One other
> observation, last night on the powerplay, one of the sets used was composed of
> 5 fowards, which is the first time I can remember seeing that at Lynah.  (FYI
> the point men were Hughes and Vogel, two of our better defensive fowards.)
> Any comments?
> William Sangrey
> Cornell '87&'93?
> Let's Go RED!!!!
I remember in the '90-'91 season Joe Dragon played one of the
points on the power play, but of course they had Dan Ratushny
to play the other point. So that only makes 4 forwards.  I don't
recall them using 5 forwards on the PP during '87-'91, while I
was there.  Anyone else?
                                           / ______ \
                                          / /      \_\
  Steve Feinleib                          | | Let's
  Cornell '91                             | |  Go
                                          | | Red!  __
                                           \ \_____/ /