Brian Morris writes:
>By popular request here is the scoring from Saturday night's USA vs. Canada
>game at the Knickerbocker Arena in Albany.
>First Period
>1. Spolfore-Canada (Oliver-UM,Stewart)
>Second Period
>2. Moran-USA (Carvel, Conroy)
>3. Oliver-Canada (Stewart-RPI, Halfnight)
>4. Donaldson-Canada (Stewart, Venne)
>Third Period
>5. Oliver-Canada (Spoltore)
>6. Mueller-USA (Holzinger, Carvel)
>7. Quenneville-USA (Murray, Ross)
I'm wondering about the Stewart-RPI listing on Canada's second goal.
My gut instinct tells me that it should be Michigan's Cam Stewart, who
was scheduled to play alongside David Oliver.  (Which makes sense --
they are linemates at UofM.)  I haven't seen the games reported in any
local papers, so any confirmation or further info would be wonderful.
  John H