Update from today's blue line luncheon,  Junior Hugh McEwen is back and
  on crutches with the hip injury he sustained crashing into a ungiving
   goal post last week.  Bob Mancini said the injury is not career threatening
   and hopes to have Hugh Back before the end of the season.
  The concern following Hughs injury and others this season, after the league
    left the magnetic nubs to us solid rubber pegs, has led to a change at both
    northern and MTU ice rinks.  being installed today, in time for tonights
    game are new Marsh Pegs, both here and at northern.  I have no idea what
    marsh pegs are, but obviously they are a go between the non-breakaway
    solid rubber pegs that caused Hugh's injury, and the all-breakaway
    magnetic nubs used last season.   What type pegs are used elsewhere?