Being a former University of Michigan hockey player (though not as much
playing time and for not as many years as I would have liked before I
transferred back east to UMass-Boston) who lives back here in the Boston area,
I would appreciate it if anyone from my old school can send me information on
the players and on the games as they take place (scores, stats, etc.).  This
newsletter helps a great deal, but I would like to be kept up to date by some
of those rabid Wolverine hockey fans whose notes I see in this newsletter.
This could either be done directly through internet, or by U.S. Mail.  I guess
I just miss Ann Arbor and fabulous Yost arena.  Though I have heard that they
have refurbished it since I played back in 1979-82.
Any help would be appreciated.
Former Wolverine #2,
Keith Carter