Larry Latour writes (in part) ...
>I like the suggestion of a mid-season all-star game, and Xmas seems the
>right time... hey, we regularly send our best off to tourneys, so the
>issue of them getting hurt needlessly seems moot...  the REAL KEY is
>the visibility and money... that is, can we get big-time
   A mid-season all-star game is not a possibility with current NCAA
   regulations.   NCAA players are only allowed to play on one team
   during the season.  Olympic-related teams are the only exception.
>Here's a crazy idea... how about an all-star tourney, with teams from
>each of the four leagues, in a single elimination format? Built-in
>to such a format would be the preservation of league identity...
   Not too long ago, Hockey East tried to form an all-star team of
   sorts.  I forget whether it was to be an all-star vs all-star team or
   an all-star vs a traveling Russian team.  But two games were to be
   played;  one at BC and the other at Maine.  The NCAA shot it down.
Happy Holidays to all!
Wayne Smith
The College Hockey Discussion List administrator
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