Perhaps my BITNET connection skipped a groove...  anyone know the outcomes for:
12/11:  Alabama-Huntsville at Alaska-Fairbanks
12/12:  Alabama-Huntsville at Alaska-Fairbanks
        Wisconsin at Denver
12/13:  Vermont at Harvard
And a little digression.  We thoroughly enjoyed the visit to Buffalo by
HOCKEY-L'ers Mike & Heather.  It's possible, however, we were just a little TOO
hospitable:  Plattsburgh won the game in OT, and Mike won the 50-50 raffle! ;)
(Mike/Heather:  you're welcome back anytime!)
Dr. Stephen E. Roth                                 BITNET:   ROTH@CANISIUS
Dean of Student Services
Canisius College                                     PHONE:  (716) 888-2522
Buffalo, New York 14208                                FAX:  (716) 888-2525