Does anyone have any details on the loss of players to LSSU, Western
Michigan, and (the other team escapes me for the moment - it's late here)?
Maine will be severely shorthanded.  We've lost forwards Paul Kariya
Chris Ferraro, and Peter Ferraro to the World Juniors, Eric Fenton to
injury (separated shoulder), and possibly Latendress (knee)...
Walsh has been making some "unusual" moves up front because of the
expectation of these loses.  He had Jason Weinrich playing forward, and
Chuck Texiera playing only his second college hockey game...
It's a shame that LA won't see the full Maine team (if anyone turns
out, that is)...  We're keeping our fingers crossed, but don't expect
any high scoring affairs (our defense, at least, is intact)
Go Blue
Larry Latour