With thanks to Wayne, I have now placed a copy of the most recent standings
of the DivI conferences in the archives.  I will be updating this along
with the composite and team schedules as often as I can; lately it has been
either Monday or Tuesday.  You can get the file containing all conference
standings by sending mail to [log in to unmask] with the command
placed in the body.  UAA and UAF are listed at the bottom of the WCHA and
CCHA standings as affiliates with only their overall records to the right.
Air Force and Army are also listed, as Independents, with their overall and
vs DivI records.  Other teams have their league and overall records (and
league and overall GF-GA) listed.
The standings in the archive include all games through Monday's PC-Brown
I won't keep sending out messages each week to say that I have updated the
files, but you can rest assured that I will do it as early as possible -
usually before most people try to access them.  Send me mail if you have
any questions.
Mike Machnik    [log in to unmask]   Color Voice of the Merrimack Warriors
(Any opinions expressed above are strictly those of the poster.)    *HMN*