The TCHCR seems to have a drastically new look this year.  Although, it is still
too early for anyone to tell how it may do in predicting the best team(s) in
the country, I have to wonder about its new look.  It now seems to me to be
a simplified version of the RPICH.  Since, since both strength of schedule and
Performance are now based solely on winning percentages.  It seems to me that
it SHOULD be taken into account if a team wins 2-1 or 15-3.  That obviously
reflects a difference in team strengths.  Also, I did like the HOME/AWAY/Neutral
ice idea used last year.  In college hockey, especially, it is tougher to win
on the road.
        Those are just some opinions and observations based on my limited knowldege of
 the TCHCR.  Others???....
-Ryan Stone
 Lawrence University (Appleton, WI) '93
 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute '93
                  | RYAN G. STONE                    |
                  | 113 Hall Hall, R.P.I.            |
                  | Troy, NY   12180-3590            |
                  | (518) 276-7598                   |
                  | e-mail: [log in to unmask]          |