Several people have mentioned they'd like to see national statistics.
The UPSIDA national leaders, which were posted to hockey-l last season,
are again being compiled.  However, I do not believe that any of the
compilers are on hockey-l.  The stats are distributed weekly to the
conference offices, and there is plenty of discussion as to which games
will be included in the "official" stats.  From what I've understood,
only games against other U.S. colleges and universities (division I, II
or III) will comprise that statistics.  Therefore, there is a lot of
time and effort into compiling individual team statistics, let alone
national leaders.  (Of course, several teams and conferences will not
compile their stats using the same guidlines as UPSIDA.)  Anyway, I
will occasionally pick up a copy of the UPSIDA leaders from the CCHA
office.  I probably won't do this until at least January, though.
I hope this information is helpful.
  John H