After the fun I had at the HOCKEY-L NC$$ Phinal Phour (tm) gathering in
Albany last April, I'd like to try to arrange a social event for list members
who will be in Detroit for the Great Lakes Invitational.  Given that there
are two games during both nights of the tournament, the "easiest" plan
would be to meet between games on one of the nights.  (However, this plan
would exclude members in the Detroit area who will not be attending the
games.)  Or, we could plan on meeting somewhere else either before or after
the games; I'd need some help for this option, though, since I live in
upstate NY and can't really investigate other places.
So... if you're interested in attending such an event, please send me
e-mail by Tuesday, Dec. 14.  If you have any preferences as to where
or which day you'd prefer, please include the information.  (Please
send all responses to me, NOT to the list.)
 - Garrett (currently in Minnesota, but don't tell Carol because I haven't
            called her yet! :-)