Maine will be losing the Fab 3 (Kariya and the Ferraros) and
Snow to int'l tourneys, the Fab 3 to the World Juniors (I'm not
exactly sure where Snow is off to - any info would be
appreciated)... they'll be missing 3 tourneys - the Great
Western Freezeout, the Columbus Tourney (name? I don't have
the sched handy), and the Dexter... which brings up some
How do coaches feel in general about their stars heading off to
int'l tourneys in mid-year?  I know at Maine it seems to be an
integral part of the program, both in terms of well-rounded
development and recruiting...  Is this practice discouraged
by anyone?
Will Miami/Ohio and LSSU be losing anyone? Any other big names
heading off and missing Xmas tourneys?
Apparently Kariya (Canada) will be facing the Ferraro Bros. (USA)
in game 1 of the World Juniors the day after Xmas...  Any comments
or other matchups?  Does anyone have a way to arrange some on
the spot reporting of the games?
Go Blue
(and good luck in the Tourney, Red)
Larry Latour