I've been following this NCAA goons thing, and it brings back fond
memories of my favorite Hockey East Goons...
- Rico Rossi, NU - the Alfond used to really rip into this guy... one
of the dirtiest players in the league... we loved it... I don't know
if he realized that he singlehandedly could turn 4000 fans into
screaming hyenas with the single swipe of a stick... and when he was
thrown out! wonderful!
- Tony LoPilato, Lowell - another Maine thorn... I think he's second to
Rossi in all-time HE penalty minutes... and he wasn't physically a big
guy either...
- Gord Cruickshank, Providence - nasty, just nasty...
Life just wouldn't be as spicy without these guys around...
Go Blue (and hold down the penalty minutes)
Larry Latour