In the middle of the UAA/Calgary game this evening, as usual, scores
from around the country were displayed on the scoreboard.  It was
interesting to note that NOT ONE home team that was displayed
won this evening...though there were a couple of ties.  Todd said
he counted 14 losses that we found out about, but that seems a little
high.  Who knows...
Anyway, as if to follow suite, the Seawolves surrendered 6 goals to
the University of Calgary, and only managed to score two.  Sean
Gravistin had a bad night in net (it is funny, isn't it, that he
is FROM Calgary....*snicker*), and it seemed that the Wolves had
a particularly difficult time adjusting to the physical style of
play that many Canadian teams like.  Though, if they follow their
normal pattern (or so, it seems), I expect a win tomorrow night.
We shall see.