Okay, I'll add my $.03 (inflation :-)) to the fray.  I guess I'd like to keep
the assists.  It would be nice to think we are all selfless creatures, but the
truth is that if you didn't get an assist point for passing, too many prima
donnas would take poor shots or skate around with the puck too long.  Maybe
most wouldn't, but enough might to change the game.
One of the troubling areas for me is the guy who takes a big slap shot and
somebody touches the puck changing its direction marginally.  Without instant
replay (and sometimes even with it) you can't always tell if the puck would
have gone in anyway.  Who deserves the goal point and who deserves the assist?
Tom Rowe                      INTERNET:
UWSP Dept. of Psychology      [log in to unmask]
Stevens Point, WI  54481      *****************************
341-3084                      I am in the prime of senility