Here's the scoop as far as I know... RPI plays BU here at the Houston
Field House on Friday, 10/6... they then travel Saturday to Merrimack where
they will play on Sunday 10/8 at 4:00 pm.... I didn't here anything about
BU playing Merrimack on Sunday... must just be a mixup... but RPI DOES play
Merrimack on 10/8 in Merrimack...
	As far as Alabama-Huntsville goes, here's what I know... as of right
now, Alabama is scheduled to come and play here at RPI in January (the 15th
and 16th come to mind, but I don't know the exact dates - if that's a weekend
then that is it).  The way I understand it, Army was asked to play here over
Thanksgiving weekend and that didn
work out so RPI has the entire weekend off... Alabama had cancelled saying
they could not afford to come, but have since changed their minds and decided
to come anyway....
RPI '95
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