Tony Hejna says:
>BTW, I spoke with Keith [Marder] and Bob Croce concerning that BU got
>a #1 vote.  The person that voted that has his own "power ratings"
>that he uses -- and yes, he had Maine as #4.  I will also note that
>although the person is a sportswriter in HE, he is not affiliated
>with the Terriers.
Very interesting. Considering Bob's reaction to *MY* "power rating," I
am honestly surprised he lets anyone in the ATU use one. I guess he
can't stop them from using whatever they want to do their own rankings.
I heard once that a sportswriter for UMass-Lowell had his/her own rating
system. I wonder if it is the same person.
And for those who are curious, The College Hockey Computer Rating also
has Maine #4. But Harvard is #1 and Boston University is.....#30. If I
call Bob and ask REAL nice, would he let TCHCR vote?? (I'll have TCHCR
ready next week, I promise.)
Finally, still related to the ATU, rumor is around BG that WMU coach
Bill Wilkinson is the mysterious BGSU-backer who put the Falcons in his
top 10. No proof, tho--perhaps the-HE-media-with-his-own-power-rating
had BG in his top 10.