I may be wrong, but thus far I think that I have only seen the ECAC overall
standings posted to this list.  If I remember correctly there was a list of the
winners of last weeks games as well as the games to be played this weekend, but
not not many stats.  (Thank You to Bill Fenwick and the RPI "posters" for what
has been posted.)
     Could somebody please post, or send me directly, the stats for the
Clarkson - UNH game.  I am very interested in who coach Morris started in goal,
what the lines look like, and the overall performance of the Golden Knights.
Ralph A. Coon		*   Clarkson University '92
Conneaut Base Plant	*   General Electric Company ??
880 Maple Ave.		*
Conneaut, OH 44030	*   If "pro" is the opposite of "con" is "progress"
216-593-1156 x-202	*   the opposite of "congress" ??
8*343-9202		*