I went back over the last 3 years, and here's how things stack up:
YEAR      DivIII vs DivI    vs DivI Conf     vs DivI Indep
1991-92    4-38-2  .114      0-8-0  .000      4-30-2  .139
1990-91    8-34-2  .205      0-4-0  .000      8-30-2  .225
1989-90   11-48-4  .206      3-10-1 .250      8-38-3  .194
TOT       23-120-8 .179      3-22-1 .135     20-98-7  .188
Mike, thanks for the analysis - it looks like my estimate of .400 was way off.
It's interesting to see how the total number of these games has decreased due
to scheduling restrictions (63 in 89-90 down to 44 the past two years), and how
the winning percentage has gone down as well.  I can remember back to the days
of division II when many  schools were playing 5-6  games a year against
division I teams and winning a fair number of them (more than 19% anyway).
This year is the first in my memory that RIT has no division I teams on their
schedule - perhaps the 8-0 drubbing by RPI plast year (it was an all-around
embarassment, lots of needless roughing, etc.) has something to do with that,
although it was uncharacteristic of previous meetings between the two teams. I
would think that a couple of division I games on the schedule helps in
recruiting for a division III school, and can also help them come playoff time
when they're playing tougher division III opponents.
Mercyhurst seems to be playing more and more games against division I schools
(haven't seen their schedule  for this year, though). They've moved to the
forefront of division III in a very short time, and I believe have recently
built a new rink. Perhaps they've got division I aspirations. Their program
looks interesting - it looks like they're dumping tons of money into it and
have been successful  recruiting a large number of players from Western Canada.
Anybody have any additional information?
Chris Lerch
RIT '84 & '91