Re:  The comments of Eric H and John H on arenas-
Having spent a number of Great Lakes Invitationals in Joe Louis Arena
and this year's NC$$ championships in the Knick, I would comment that
as far as actually *watching* the game,  each has the advantage (IMHO)
of being a single-tier (no blocked seats) arrangement.  From logistics,
The Knick was a bit of a pain, though not awful-  I found parking less
than a quarter of a mile from the arena at reasonable price both days
of the tournament.  The only major problem I saw was rather narrow
corridors at the entrance level, making the between period, and after
game crushes a little tighter.  Overall, though, I'd have to agree with
John-  The Joe comes out ahead-  Hope to get up to Lake Placid for
further comparison this March for the ECAC's ...
Joel Graber   Michigan Tech '87,  Cornell ?
Any news on the Tech team prospects for this season?  (E.G.  who's the
new coach since Newell Brown went to Adirondack?)