In the spirit of's NHL/etc team contacts, I am about to
put together a list of team/league contacts for college hockey.
I am looking for anyone and everyone who would like to be listed as a
contact.  This information will eventually be listed in the hockey-l FAQ
(frequently asked questions list), still under construction.  My goal is to
create a list of people knowledgeable about teams, etc. that can be used
for others to get information from.
For example, I would consider myself a contact for Merrimack and Hockey East.
I believe a contact should be someone who follows a team/league closely
enough that he/she could answer almost any question regarding that team/league
or know how to get the info.  Please consider whether or not you believe you
meet those requirements before replying.  I am starting off with a list of
one - myself - so even if you've become known for your postings in the past,
please send me mail anyway so I don't list people who don't want to be listed.
I have no problem with listing multiple people as contacts for a specific
team/league, by the way.  Nothing would be specifically required of you,
although you could expect to occasionally receive requests for information
and it would even be good if you could make periodic postings of what you
know.  We already have an excellent network of people who keep everyone up
to date on what's happening, and I hope this will help to both get you
recognition for your efforts and to further organize the work we do here.
As an example, some of the categories I am thinking of are: any team in
DivI/DivIII/club/women's hockey, any of the conferences (i.e. WCHA, ECAC
East, ECAC women), etc. but don't hesitate to ask to be made a contact for
anything I can't think of right now.
A very important consideration in this is that as far as I am concerned,
and I intend this disclaimer to be placed with the list of contacts, NO
CONTACT can be presumed to speak on behalf of the team/league he/she is
listed as a contact for.  All opinions remain the opinions of that person
and that person only, and no one should infer otherwise.  I don't expect
any of the coaches/players/SIDs/ADs/etc. to request to be listed as
contacts although I would not discourage it.  And for example, although
I have access through Merrimack and do volunteer work for them, any opinions
I express here are not representative of those held by anyone else connected
with Merrimack.  I hope this disclaimer will serve to make people more
comfortable with having their names placed with teams in this manner.
Again, please send your name and what you want to be a contact for, to me
and not the list.  A summary will be posted sometime in the future.  Thanks
very much for helping to make this venture a success...
Mike Machnik    [log in to unmask]   mikem@{beanpot,bubba}
(Any opinions expressed above are strictly those of the poster.)