Welcome to the wonderful world of college hockey, Eric!
Oh yeah, we get obnoxious other places too.  For example, at Clarkson we have
a lot of chants, one involving a toy phone ringing in the student section,
followed by the fans yelling, "Hey, <name of sieve>!  Your mother called!  She
says, 'YOU SUCK!'".  My personal favorite is the one we use against our arch-
rival, St. Lawrence University.  They have a chant that goes, "S-L-U!", with
a pause after the "U".  So, we fill in the pause with  "T", so it comes out
"S-L-U-T".  Some people at SLU object.  I for the life of me can't figure out
why!  :^)
Jeremy Hall
Clarkson '91
Penn State '??