An update:
>   CCHA commissioner Bill Bea-
>gan has received NCAA blessing to
>experiment with two-referee, two-
>linesmen officiating crews, rather
>than use the two-ref, one-linesman
>NCAA system that debuts else-
>where this season.
Beagan may have gotten the NCAA's BLESSING, but he hasn't gotten
the NCAA's APPROVAL yet. Rumor has it that the NCAA will give the
league approval today (the rules people are talking about it this
morning), but the league might only use the 2/2 system for a few
games and use the 2/1 for the majority of them.
It would make sense to try out the 2/2 system with some of the early
CCHA games against Canadian schools.
Mr. Beagan has really confused people with his announcement.
One of the confused,