On Fri, 2 Oct 1992 09:55:12 EDT R David Smith said:
>it gives the Canucks a solid second goaltender.  It is just like the Whale to
>trade away what little talent they have however.  Once they develop Corrie,
>they will probably trade him too.
With Frank Pietrangelo and Sean Burke the top two goalies in the
Whalers' system, Whitmore was expendable. He didn't want to play
in the minors, which is the role Hartford had him pencilled in
for. It looks like a pretty good trade from both sides: Hartford
had an extra goalie who was unhappy, they needed a minor league
goalie, Vancouver needed an experienced backup for McLean. Looks
like both sides got what they wanted. The third-round draft
choice represents the perceived difference between Whitmore's
value and D'Alessio's (Whitmore's a [somewhat] proven NHL
commodity, D'Alessio isn't).