+ Make Machnick <[log in to unmask]> writes:
+ >...The rest of the team looked solid, but the area of
+ >main concern seems to be defense.
+ It appears to be more than a concern; rumor has it that the Terriers
+ currently have only 5 defensemen.  Maybe some of you on this list
+ should lace 'em up and get down to tryouts... :-)
Yes, I heard that one of our veteran defensemen left early and
unexpectedly during the off season.  This, combined with a focus on
offense, leaves us a bit lacking in the defensive end.  I expect we
will see a couple of "defensive" forwards converted to the position,
maybe one of the the Bavis twins?  [speculation]
From what I have heard, they do have a very talented defensemen who
will become available in January.  [Ineligible this semester.]  If BU
can shore up what they have until that time, they will be vying for
the Hockey East title again this year.
[I can get more specific information, if needed.]
Of course, the forwards are the ones to look out for when playing BU,
especially given the depth of the 3rd and 4th lines.  I expect to see
a few high scoring matches on both sides for BU this year.
+ Hey, wait a minute.  I'm taking grad classes at BU...and still have 4 yrs
+ left...what's Parker's number again? :-)
+ ---
+ Mike Machnik   [log in to unmask]   Color Voice of the Merrimack Warriors
+ (Any opinions expressed above are strictly those of the poster.)    *HMN*
353-3838 :-)  Good luck!  :-) :-)
BU '89