Saturday night marked the 5th annual Terrier Hockey Midnight Madness
 celebratttion n
at Walter Brown Arena. About 4500 people were on hand to watch Coach Parker
lead a scrimmage and the pep band get the crowd all riled up. The evening got
off to a festive start when the crowd started chanting "BC sucks!". Everyone
received a complimentary t-shirt at the door, featuring Wayne and Garth from
Wayne's world dressed in BU hockey sweaters and "Jack's World" emblazoned on the
The scrimmage lasted about an hour with the score 7-6, red. Cashman looked
confident between the pipes, while McKersie was a little less impressive, ch
fumbling a few easy saves. The rest of the team looked solid, but the area of
main concern seems to be defense. I don't have names and specifics with me,
but we'll see what the Red Raiders of Colgate hold in store when they visit
Walter Brown on the 31st for the season opener.
from Commonwealth Ave,