John Grover's listing suggesting the proper name for the U. of Maine Black
Bears would be Sows [:-)] brought to mind our own Div III team...
We are the Pointers [Wow!  How novel can you get? 8-)] and we do have a
skating maskot in a dog costume.  A few years back we had just the right
person in the job and he outchicken the San Diego Chicken in his antics.  For
a while that year we also had a female version (the costume wasn't as
elaborate) who skated with him.  And, yeah, I have to admit the costume looks
a bit like Goofy.
Anyway, I have always thought that the "lady pointers" should call themselves
the bitches.  No joke - I think its a good idea.  However, I don't have the
temerity to suggest it to anybody here.
Tom Rowe                      INTERNET:
UWSP Dept. of Psychology      [log in to unmask]
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341-3084                      I am in the prime of senility